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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, E and 3L

ALBARELLIalbarelli n. Plural of albarello.
ALBARELLO n. (Italian) a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs.
ALBARELLOalbarello n. A ceramic pharmacy or drug jar, generally majolica ware, usually tall rather than wide, and often of a waisted shape.
ALBARELLO n. (Italian) a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs.
ALLOCABLEallocable adj. Able to be allocated.
ALLOCABLE adj. that can be allocated, also ALLOCATABLE.
ALLOWABLEallowable adj. Appropriate; satisfactory; acceptable.
allowable adj. Intellectually admissible; valid; probable.
allowable adj. Able to be added or deducted in consideration of something.
BALLABILEballabile n. (Music) A dance performed by the corps de ballet, or by the chorus in an opera; the music to accompany this dance.
BALLABILE n. (Italian) a part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet.
GLABELLAEglabellae n. Plural of glabella.
GLABELLA n. (Latin) the smooth area between the eyebrows.
GLABELLARglabellar adj. Of, or pertaining to, the glabella.
GLABELLAR adj. relating to the glabella, the space between the eyebrows, just above the nose.
LABELABLElabelable adj. Able to be labeled.
LABELABLE adj. that can be labeled, also LABELLABLE.
LABELLATElabellate adj. (Botany) Having a labellum.
LABELLATE adj. of or like a labellum, the lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower.
MALLEABLEmalleable adj. Able to be hammered into thin sheets; capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer…
malleable adj. (Figurative) Flexible, liable to change.
malleable adj. (Cryptography, of an algorithm) in which an adversary can alter a ciphertext such that it decrypts to…
MALLEABLYmalleably adv. In a malleable manner; flexibly.
MALLEABLE adv. able to be beaten, rolled, etc. into a new shape.
SPALLABLEspallable adj. (Of rock) Suitable for being spalled.
SPALLABLE adj. that can be spalled.
TALLIABLEtalliable adj. On which tallage must be paid.
TALLIABLE adj. that can be tallied.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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