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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, L and P

BAKEAPPLEbakeapple n. (Atlantic Canada) The cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus.
BAKEAPPLE n. (Canadian) the fruit of the cloudberry.
BASEPLATEbaseplate n. A solid piece of material that has enough strength and sturdiness to serve as the surface to which other…
baseplate n. (Rail transport) Synonym of tie plate.
BASEPLATE n. the foundation plate of a piece of heavy machinery.
DRAPEABLEdrapeable adj. Able to be draped.
DRAPEABLE adj. that can be draped, also DRAPABLE.
ESCAPABLEescapable adj. Able to be escaped or run from.
escapable adj. Not needed or necessary (Can we add an example for this sense?).
ESCAPABLE adj. avoidable.
PALPEBRAEpalpebrae n. Plural of palpebra.
palpebræ n. Plural of palpebra.
PALPEBRA n. (Latin) the eyelid.
PEACEABLEpeaceable adj. Favouring peace rather than conflict; not aggressive, tending to avoid violence (Of people, actions etc.).
peaceable adj. Characterized by peace; peaceful, tranquil.
PEACEABLE adj. inclined to peace.
PEACEABLYpeaceably adv. In a peaceable manner.
PEACEABLE adv. inclined to peace.
PLACEABLEplaceable adj. Capable of being placed.
placeable n. (Business) A jobseeker who is considered by an employment agency to be suitable for placement, but not…
placeable n. (Translation studies) In computer-aided translation, an element, such as a symbol or numeral, that is…
PLEADABLEpleadable adj. (Law) That may be pleaded.
PLEADABLE adj. capable of being pleaded.
PLEASABLEpleasable adj. That may be pleased.
PLEASABLE adj. capable of being pleased.
PRAEAMBLEpraeamble n. Obsolete form of preamble.
præamble n. Obsolete spelling of preamble.
PRAEAMBLE n. (Milton) a preamble, also PREAMBLE.
REPARABLEreparable adj. Able to be repaired.
REPARABLE adj. that can be repaired.
REPAYABLErepayable adj. Able to be repaid.
repayable adj. (Business, of a debt) to be repaid; owing.
repayable n. An amount, a loan, etc. to be repaid.
SEPARABLEseparable adj. Able to be separated.
separable adj. (Differential equations) Able to be brought to a form where all occurrences of the dependent and the…
separable adj. (Mathematical analysis, of a topological space) Having a countable dense subset.
SHAPEABLEshapeable adj. Alternative spelling of shapable.
SHAPEABLE adj. that can be shaped, also SHAPABLE.
SPAREABLEspareable adj. Capable of being spared; available.
SPAREABLE adj. that can be spared.
SPEAKABLEspeakable adj. That can be spoken; utterable, verbalizable.
speakable adj. Acceptable as a topic of discussion; not subject to taboo.
speakable adj. (Obsolete) Capable of speech.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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