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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, L and N

ALIENABLEalienable adj. Capable of being alienated, sold, or transferred to another.
ALIENABLE adj. capable of being alienated, sold, or transferred to another; as, land is alienable according to the laws of the state.
AMENDABLEamendable adj. Capable of being amended.
AMENDABLE adj. that can be amended.
ANNEXABLEannexable adj. Able to be annexed.
ANNEXABLE adj. that can be annexed.
ATONEABLEATONEABLE adj. capable of being atoned for, also ATONABLE.
CANOEABLEcanoeable adj. Navigable by canoe.
CANOEABLE adj. navigable by canoe.
CLEANABLEcleanable adj. That can be cleaned.
CLEANABLE adj. able to be cleaned.
DANCEABLEdanceable adj. (Of music) Suitable for dancing.
danceable n. A social event with dancing; a ball.
danceable n. (Informal) A song suitable for dancing to.
ENACTABLEenactable adj. Capable of being enacted.
ENACTABLE adj. that can be enacted.
FLEABANESfleabanes n. Plural of fleabane.
FLEABANE n. a flowering plant supposed to repel fleas.
GLEANABLEgleanable adj. Capable of being gleaned.
GLEANABLE adj. that can be gleaned.
KNEADABLEkneadable adj. Capable of being kneaded, or worked into a mass.
KNEADABLE adj. that may be kneaded.
LEARNABLElearnable adj. That can be learned.
learnable n. Something that can be learned.
LEARNABLE adj. such as can be learned.
REBALANCErebalance v. To balance again.
REBALANCE v. to balance again.
UNEATABLEuneatable adj. Not eatable; not fit for eating.
UNEATABLE adj. that cannot be eaten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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