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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, L and M

AMENDABLEamendable adj. Capable of being amended.
AMENDABLE adj. that can be amended.
AMUSEABLEAMUSEABLE adj. capable of being amused, also AMUSABLE.
BLAMEABLEblameable adj. Alternative spelling of blamable.
BLAMEABLE adj. deserving of blame, also BLAMABLE.
EMAILABLEemailable adj. Alternative form of e-mailable.
e-mailable adj. (Internet) Capable of, or suitable for, being e-mailed.
EMAILABLE adj. capable of being sent by email.
EMBLEMATAemblemata n. Plural of emblema.
EMBLEMA n. (Greek) a carved or mounted ornament in relief.
FRAMEABLEframeable adj. Suitable for framing.
frameable adj. Able to be framed or presented in a certain way.
FRAMEABLE adj. that can be framed, also FRAMABLE.
IMAGEABLEimageable adj. Capable of being imaged.
IMAGEABLE adj. that may be imaged.
LABELMATElabelmate n. A musician or musical act signed to the same record label.
LABELMATE n. a singer or musician who records for the same company as another.
MAKEABLESmakeables n. Plural of makeable.
MAKEABLE n. something that can be made, also MAKABLE.
MALLEABLEmalleable adj. Able to be hammered into thin sheets; capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer…
malleable adj. (Figurative) Flexible, liable to change.
malleable adj. (Cryptography, of an algorithm) in which an adversary can alter a ciphertext such that it decrypts to…
PRAEAMBLEpraeamble n. Obsolete form of preamble.
præamble n. Obsolete spelling of preamble.
PRAEAMBLE n. (Milton) a preamble, also PREAMBLE.
SHAMEABLEshameable adj. Possible to shame.
SHAMEABLE adj. capable of being shamed, also SHAMABLE.
TABLEMATEtablemate n. Someone with whom one shares a table.
TABLEMATE n. one who shares a table.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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