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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, C, I, L and R

ALBRICIASalbricias n. (Historical) A sum of money paid as a reward to the bearer of good news.
ALBRICIAS interj. (Spanish) an expression of joy.
ALDICARBSALDICARB n. a kind of pesticide.
ALGEBRAICalgebraic adj. Of, or relating to, algebra.
algebraic adj. (Mathematics, of an expression, equation, or function) Containing only numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators.
algebraic adj. (Algebra, number theory, of a number) Which is a root of some polynomial whose coefficients are rational.
BACILLARYbacillary adj. Of or pertaining to a bacillus.
BACILLARY adj. of the shape or nature of a bacillus, rodlike, also BACILLAR.
BACTERIALbacterial adj. (Microbiology) Of, relating to, or caused by bacteria.
BACTERIAL adj. of or like bacteria, also BACTERIAN.
BACTERIAL n. a bacterial substance.
BICAMERALbicameral adj. Being or having a system with two, often unequal, chambers or compartments; of, signifying, relating…
bicameral adj. (Government) Of, having, or relating to two separate legislative chambers or houses.
bicameral adj. (Typography) Of a script or typeface: having two cases, upper case and lower case.
BIRADICALbiradical n. (Chemistry) any molecule having two independent radical centres.
biradical n. A word or root in a Semitic language which consists of two consonants in its root formula.
biradical adj. (Said of words in Semitic languages) which consists of two consonants in its root formula.
BRACHIALSbrachials n. Plural of brachial.
BRACHIAL n. the brachial artery or nerve.
BRACIOLASBRACIOLA n. (Italian) a thin slice of meat, also BRACIOLE.
BRANCHIALbranchial adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling gills or the embryonic branchial arches and clefts.
branchial n. A branchial arch.
BRANCHIAL adj. of or relating to gills.
CABRILLAScabrillas n. Plural of cabrilla.
CABRILLA n. (Spanish) a name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus.
CALIBRATEcalibrate v. To check or adjust by comparison with a standard.
calibrate v. To mark the scale of a measuring instrument.
calibrate v. To measure the caliber of a tube or gun.
PARABOLICparabolic adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid.
parabolic adj. (Rhetoric) Of or pertaining to a parable.
parabolic n. (Mathematics) A parabolic function, equation etc.
VIBRACULAvibracula n. Plural of vibraculum.
VIBRACULUM n. (Latin) one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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