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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, I, O, R, 2S and T

AGISTORSagistors n. Plural of agistor.
AGISTOR n. a former officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, also AGISTER.
AIRPOSTSAIRPOST n. the system of conveying mail by air.
AIRSHOTSair-shots n. Plural of air-shot.
AIRSHOT n. in golf, a shot that misses the ball completely but counts as a shot.
AIRSTOPSairstops n. Plural of airstop.
AIRSTOP n. a helicopter stopping place.
AMORISTSamorists n. Plural of amorist.
AMORIST n. a lover; a sexual adventurer.
ARSONISTarsonist n. One who has committed the act of arson, or illegally setting fire to property.
ARSONIST n. one who maliciously lights fires, also ARSONITE.
ASSISTORassistor n. (Law) Alternative form of assister.
ASSISTOR n. one who assists, also ASSISTER.
ASTROIDSastroids n. Plural of astroid.
ASTROID n. a four cusped geometrical figure.
ORALISTSoralists n. Plural of oralist.
ORALIST n. one who practises oralism, the use of oral methods of teaching the deaf.
ORGIASTSorgiasts n. Plural of orgiast.
ORGIAST n. one who takes place in orgies.
PROSAISTprosaist n. A person who writes prose.
prosaist n. A prosaic or commonplace person.
PROSAIST n. a writer of prose, also PROSER.
PROTASISprotasis n. The first part of a play, in which the setting and characters are introduced.
protasis n. (Logic, grammar) A clause that expresses a contingent element in a conditional sentence.
PROTASIS n. the introductory part of a classical drama.
ROASTIESroasties n. Plural of roastie.
ROASTIE n. (colloquial) a roast potato.
SARODISTsarodist n. Someone who plays a sarod.
SARODIST n. one who plays the sarod, an Indian instrument like a cello.
SAUTOIRSsautoirs n. Plural of sautoir.
SAUTOIR n. (French) a long necklace, or pendant on a long chain, also SAUTOIRE.
SHORTIASshortias n. Plural of shortia.
SHORTIA n. a perennial herb.
SLIOTARSsliotars n. Plural of sliotar.
SLIOTAR n. (Irish) the ball used in hurling.
SOLARISTsolarist n. (Derogatory) One who tends to overstate the role of the sun in explaining the roots of mythology.
SOLARIST n. one who practises solarism, excessive use of solar myths in explaining mythology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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