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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, I, N, R, S and 2T

ANTIRUSTantirust adj. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
antirust n. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
anti-rust adj. Preventing the formation of rust.
INTRANTSintrants n. Plural of intrant.
INTRANT n. a person who enters, esp. on membership, office or possession.
INTREATSintreats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intreat.
INTREAT v. to ask for earnestly, also ENTREAT.
NATURISTnaturist n. One who follows a philosophical belief in a naked, natural life and prefers to live without clothes…
naturist n. One who believes in the doctrine of naturism, which attributes everything to nature.
naturist adj. Of or relating to naturism, the philosophical belief in a naked, natural life and prefers to live without…
NITRATESnitrates n. Plural of nitrate.
NITRATE v. to treat with nitrates.
RATTINGSrattings n. Plural of ratting.
RATTING n. rat-hunting.
RATTLINSrattlins n. Plural of rattlin.
RATTLIN n. any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLIN, RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLINE, RATTLING.
STARTINGstarting v. Present participle of start.
starting n. The act of something that starts.
STARTING adj. beginning.
STRAINTSSTRAINT n. (Spenser) pressure.
STRAITENstraiten v. To make strait; to narrow or confine to a smaller space.
straiten v. To restrict or diminish, especially financially.
straiten v. Misspelling of straighten.
STRONTIAstrontia n. (Mineralogy) a pale earth composed of strontium oxide (SrO).
STRONTIA n. an oxide of the metal strontium, also STRONTIAN.
TANISTRYtanistry n. (Historical) A form of tenure, in ancient Scotland and Ireland, whereby succession was passed to an…
TANISTRY n. the system of electing a tanist.
TANTRISMtantrism n. Tantric beliefs and practices generally.
TANTRISM n. a school of Buddhism incorporating Hindu and pagan elements.
TANTRISTtantrist n. A devotee of tantrism.
TANTRIST n. an adherent of the yogic discipline tantrism.
TARTINEStartines n. Plural of tartine.
TARTINE n. (French) a slice of bread and butter with jam.
TERTIANStertians n. Plural of tertian.
TERTIAN n. a fever recurring every third day.
TITRANTStitrants n. Plural of titrant.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
TRANSITStransits n. Plural of transit.
transits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of transit.
Transits n. Plural of Transit.
TRANSMITtransmit v. (Transitive) To send or convey something from one person, place or thing to another.
transmit v. (Transitive) To spread or pass on something such as a disease or a signal.
transmit v. (Transitive) To impart, convey or hand down something by inheritance or heredity.
TRIPTANStriptans n. Plural of triptan.
TRIPTAN n. a drug for treating migraine attacks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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