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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, I, N, O, P, S and T

APPOINTSappoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appoint.
APPOINT v. to assign to a job.
ATROPINSATROPIN n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIA, ATROPINE.
CAPTIONScaptions n. Plural of caption.
CAPTION v. to provide with a title.
MAINTOPSmaintops n. Plural of maintop.
MAINTOP n. a platform at the head of a mainmast.
OPUNTIASopuntias n. Plural of opuntia.
OPUNTIA n. (Latin) a genus of cactaceous plants, the prickly pear, or Indian fig.
PACTIONSpactions n. Plural of paction.
pactions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paction.
PACTION v. to agree, make a pact.
PINTADOSpintados n. Plural of pintado.
Pintados prop.n. Plural of Pintado.
Pintados n. Plural of Pintado.
PINTANOSpintanos n. Plural of pintano.
PINTANO n. a dark-banded tropical fish.
POSTNATIpostnati n. Those born after a certain event.
POSTNATI n. (Latin) those born after a specified event.
PTOMAINSptomains n. Plural of ptomain.
PTOMAIN n. a compound produced by the decomposition of protein, also PTOMAINE.
SAPONITEsaponite n. (Mineralogy) A trioctahedral smectite mineral.
SAPONITE n. a hydrous silicate of magnesia and alumina occurring in soft, soapy, amorphous masses.
SATINPODsatinpod n. Any of various plants in the genus Lunaria.
SATINPOD n. a flowering plant, aka honesty.
SWAPTIONswaption n. (Finance) An instrument granting the owner an option to enter an interest rate swap.
swaption n. (Finance) More generally, an option on any type of swap.
SWAPTION n. a swap option.
TAMPIONStampions n. Plural of tampion.
TAMPION n. (French) a protective plug placed in the mouth of a gun or cannon, also TOMPION.
UTOPIANSutopians n. Plural of utopian.
Utopians n. Plural of Utopian.
UTOPIAN n. one who believes in Utopia, also UTOPIAST, UTOPIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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