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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, I, M, N, S, T and U

AMIANTUSamiantus n. Alternative spelling of amianthus.
AMIANTUS n. (Greek) the finest fibrous asbestos.
ANTISMUTantismut adj. (Informal) Opposed to obscenity or pornography.
ANTISMUT adj. opposed to pornography.
HUMANISThumanist n. A scholar of one of the subjects in the humanities.
humanist n. A person who believes in the philosophy of humanism.
humanist n. (Historical) In the Renaissance, a scholar of Greek and Roman classics.
MANITOUSmanitous n. Plural of manitou.
MANITOU n. (Native American) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship, also MANITO, MANITU.
MANUMITSmanumits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manumit.
MANUMIT v. to free from slavery.
NATURISMnaturism n. The belief in or practice of going nude in social settings, often in mixed-gender groups, specifically…
naturism n. The worship of the powers of nature.
NATURISM n. communal nudism.
SIMULANTsimulant n. Something that simulates something else such as, for example, a gemstone.
simulant adj. (Chiefly biology) Simulating, replacing, or having the form or appearance of something else.
SIMULANT n. a simulator.
SUMPITANsumpitan n. A kind of blowgun for discharging arrows, used by indigenous peoples of Borneo and adjacent islands.
SUMPITAN n. (Malay) a Malay blowpipe made from a hollow cane, also SUMPIT.
TINAMOUStinamous n. Plural of tinamou.
TINAMOU n. (Caribbean) a South American game bird.
TSUNAMICtsunamic adj. Of or pertaining to a tsunami.
TSUNAMIC adj. relating to a tsunami, a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
TSUNAMIStsunamis n. Plural of tsunami.
TSUNAMI n. (Japanese) a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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