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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, I, L, N, S, T and U

ALUNITESalunites n. Plural of alunite.
ALUNITE n. a hydrous sulphate of aluminum and potassium, aka alumstone.
FLUTINASflutinas n. Plural of flutina.
FLUTINA n. a type of accordion.
INFLATUSinflatus n. A blowing or breathing into; inflation; inspiration.
INFLATUS n. (Latin) a blowing or breathing into; inspiration.
INSULANTinsulant n. Any material used to provide insulation.
INSULANT n. an insulating material.
INSULATEinsulate v. To separate, detach, or isolate.
insulate v. To separate a body or material from others, e.g. by non-conductors to prevent the transfer of electricity, heat, etc.
INSULATE v. to isolate from connection.
LUNARISTlunarist n. (Obsolete or historical) One who believes in the influence of the Moon on the weather of the Earth.
Lunarist n. Alternative form of lunarist.
LUNARIST n. one who thinks the moon affects the weather.
LUNATICSlunatics n. Plural of lunatic.
LUNATIC n. an insane person.
LUTANISTlutanist n. Alternative form of lutenist.
LUTANIST n. a lute-player, also LUTENIST, LUTER, LUTIST.
NAUTILUSnautilus n. A marine mollusc, of the family Nautilidae native to the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, which has tentacles…
nautilus n. A kind of diving bell that sinks or rises by means of compressed air.
NAUTILUS n. (Greek) a spiral-shelled mollusk.
NUPTIALSnuptials n. A wedding ceremony.
NUPTIAL n. a wedding ceremony.
PATULINSpatulins n. Plural of patulin.
PATULIN n. a drug derived from penicillin.
QUINTALSquintals n. Plural of quintal.
Quintals prop.n. Plural of Quintal.
QUINTAL n. (French) an old unit of weight equal to 100 kilograms.
SALUTINGsaluting v. Present participle of salute.
saluting n. The act of giving a salute.
SALUTE v. to greet with a sign of respect.
SIMULANTsimulant n. Something that simulates something else such as, for example, a gemstone.
simulant adj. (Chiefly biology) Simulating, replacing, or having the form or appearance of something else.
SIMULANT n. a simulator.
STUNSAILstunsail n. (Nautical) studding sail.
STUNSAIL n. a contraction of studdingsail, an additional sail set at the outer edges of a square sail when the wind is light and abaft the beam.
SULTANICsultanic adj. Of or relating to a sultan or a sultanate.
SULTANIC adj. pertaining to a sultan.
TAILSPUNtailspun v. Simple past tense and past participle of tailspin.
TAILSPIN v. to perform a kind of spin in an aeroplane.
UNALISTSunalists n. Plural of unalist.
UNALIST n. a person who believes in one supreme God, a monist.
UNINSTALUNINSTAL v. to reverse a previous installation, also UNINSTALL.
UNPLAITSunplaits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unplait.
UNPLAIT v. to undo the plaits of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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