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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, N, S and 2T

BATTINGSbattings n. Plural of batting.
BATTING n. cotton-wool prepared in sheets for quilting, also BATT.
ESTATINGestating v. Present participle of estate.
ESTATE v. to bestow landed property.
HATTINGShattings n. Plural of hatting.
HATTING n. material for hats.
MATTINGSmattings n. Plural of matting.
MATTING n. a woven fabric used as a floor covering.
RATTINGSrattings n. Plural of ratting.
RATTING n. rat-hunting.
SCATTINGscatting v. Present participle of scat.
scatting n. Scat singing.
SCATTING n. pebble dashing.
SLATTINGslatting v. Present participle of slat.
slatting n. An arrangement of slats.
slatting n. The violent shaking or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail when being hauled down.
SPATTINGspatting v. Present participle of spat.
SPAT v. to slap, strike.
STARTINGstarting v. Present participle of start.
starting n. The act of something that starts.
STARTING adj. beginning.
SWATTINGswatting v. Present participle of swat.
swatting n. A motion or gesture that swats; a swat.
swatting n. (US, slang) The action of making an illegitimate call to the police so as to have a SWAT team dispatched…
TANGIESTtangiest adj. Superlative form of tangy: most tangy.
TANGY adj. having a fresh or sharp taste.
TANGOISTtangoist n. One who dances the tango.
TANGOIST n. a tango dancer.
TASTINGStastings n. Plural of tasting.
TASTING n. the act of tasting.
TATTINGStattings n. Plural of tatting.
TATTING n. delicate handmade lace.
TOASTINGtoasting v. Present participle of toast.
toasting n. The action of making a toast (celebratory call to drink).
toasting n. The heating of oak panels used to make wine barrels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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