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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, N, P, S and T

PAGANISTpaganist n. Pagan.
PAGANIST n. a student of pagans or paganism.
PANTINGSpantings n. Plural of panting.
PANTING n. the act of panting.
PARTINGSpartings n. Plural of parting.
PARTING n. a division or separation.
PASTINGSpastings n. Plural of pasting.
PASTING n. a beating, a defeat.
PLATINGSplatings n. Plural of plating.
PLATING n. a thin layer of metal.
PRATINGSpratings n. Plural of prating.
PRATING n. foolish talk.
SPALTINGspalting n. (Woodworking) Any coloration of wood, either living or dead, by fungi, which is considered visually…
SPALT v. to splinter.
SPATTINGspatting v. Present participle of spat.
SPAT v. to slap, strike.
STAMPINGstamping v. Present participle and gerund of stamp.
stamping n. The sound or action of one who stamps.
stamping n. A method of manufacturing using dies and extreme pressure.
STAPLINGstapling v. Present participle of staple.
stapling n. The act by which something is stapled.
STAPLING n. the act of fastening with a U-shaped metal clip.
STAPPINGstapping v. Present participle of stap.
STAP v. (Scots) to stuff, thrust, cram.
TAMPINGStampings n. Plural of tamping.
TAMPING n. the act of filling a hole for blasting.
TAPPINGStappings n. Plural of tapping.
TAPPING n. the act of tapping.
TRAPSINGTRAPSE v. to walk in an aimless manner, also TRAIPSE, TRAPE, TRAPES.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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