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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, 2N, O and T

AGNATIONagnation n. Consanguinity by a line of males only, as distinguished from cognation.
agnation n. (Grammar) The property of being agnate.
AGNATION n. relationship traced through the male line.
ASTONINGastoning v. Present participle of astone.
ASTONE v. to amaze or shock, also ASTONISH, ASTONY.
BATONINGbatoning v. Present participle of baton.
BATON v. to strike with a truncheon, also BATOON.
DONATINGdonating v. Present participle of donate.
DONATE v. to contribute.
GNATHIONgnathion n. A craniometric point, being the lowest part of the middle line of the mandible.
GNATHION n. (Greek) the tip of the chin.
IGNORANTignorant adj. Unknowledgeable or uneducated; characterized by ignorance.
ignorant adj. Not knowing (a fact or facts), unaware (of something).
ignorant adj. (Slang) Ill-mannered, crude.
NEGATIONnegation n. (Uncountable) The act of negating something.
negation n. (Countable) A denial or contradiction.
negation n. (Logic, countable) A proposition which is the contradictory of another proposition and which can be…
NOTATINGnotating v. Present participle of notate.
NOTATE v. to put into a system of symbols.
NOVATINGnovating v. Present participle of novate.
NOVATE v. to substitute a new obligation for an existing one.
POIGNANTpoignant adj. (Obsolete, of a weapon, etc.) Sharp-pointed; keen.
poignant adj. Neat; eloquent; applicable; relevant.
poignant adj. Evoking strong mental sensation, to the point of distress; emotionally moving.
TANGOINGtangoing v. Present participle of tango.
TANGO v. to dance the tango.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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