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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, E, O, R, S, T and V

LEVATORSlevators n. Plural of levator.
LEVATOR n. (Latin) a muscle that raises.
OUTRAVESoutraves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outrave.
OUTRAVE v. to surpass in raving.
OVERACTSoveracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overact.
OVERACT v. to act with exaggeration.
OVERCASTovercast n. (Obsolete) An outcast.
overcast n. A cloud covering all of the sky from horizon to horizon; cloudy.
overcast adj. Covered with clouds; overshadowed; darkened; (meteorology) more than 90% covered by clouds.
OVEREATSovereats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overeat.
OVEREAT v. to eat to excess.
OVERFASToverfast adj. Too quick.
overfast adv. Too quickly.
OVERFAST adj. too fast.
OVERMASTovermast v. To furnish with a mast or masts overly tall or heavy.
OVERMAST v. to provide with too long masts.
OVERPASToverpast adj. (Archaic) ended; having passed over or passed by.
OVERPAST adj. completely finished.
OVERSALToversalt v. (Cooking) To add too much salt to (something).
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
OVERSTAYoverstay v. (Intransitive) To remain present after the agreed or appropriate departure time.
overstay v. (Transitive) To remain present beyond the limits of.
overstay n. The act of staying too long.
OVERTASKovertask v. (Transitive) To task too heavily; to give someone or something too many tasks; to overburden.
OVERTASK v. to impose too many tasks on.
TRAVOISEtravoise n. Alternative form of travois.
TRAVOISE n. a type of sled, also TRAVOIS.
VENATORSVENATOR n. (Latin) a huntsman.
VIATORESviatores n. Plural of viator.
VIATOR n. (Latin) a traveller.
VOERTSAKVOERTSAK interj. (South African) offensive, expressing rejection, also VOERTSEK, VOETSAK, VOETSEK.
VOTARESSvotaress n. A female votary.
VOTARESS n. a female votary, also VOTRESS.
VOTARIESvotaries n. Plural of votary.
VOTARY n. a person who is bound by religious vows, also VOTARIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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