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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, E, N, O, 2S and T

ASSENTORassentor n. Alternative form of assenter.
ASSENTOR n. one who agrees, also ASSENTER.
ASSIENTOassiento n. (Historical) A contract or convention between Spain and other powers for furnishing Negro slaves for…
ASSIENTO n. (Spanish) a treaty, esp. that between Spain and Britain, 1713 for the supply of African slaves for Spanish American dominions.
ASSONATEassonate v. To correspond in (particularly vowel) sounds.
ASSONATE v. to match in a vowel sound.
ASTONIESastonies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of astony.
ASTONY v. to amaze or shock, also ASTONISH, ASTONE.
CONTESSAcontessa n. A countess, often specifically an Italian countess.
CONTESSA n. (Italian) an Italian countess.
COSTEANScosteans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of costean.
COSTEAN v. in mining, to sink pits through the surface soil to the underlying rock in order to establish the direction of a lode.
ONSTEADSonsteads n. Plural of onstead.
ONSTEAD n. a single farmhouse; a steading.
SANTEROSsanteros n. Plural of santero.
SANTERO n. (Spanish) a priest of santeria, a Caribbean religion.
SENATORSsenators n. Plural of senator.
SENATOR n. (Latin) a member of a senate.
SOUTANESsoutanes n. Plural of soutane.
SOUTANE n. (French) a Roman Catholic priest's cassock.
STANZOESstanzoes n. Plural of stanzo.
STANZO n. (Shakespeare) a stanza, also STANZE.
STARNOSEstarnose n. Star-nosed mole.
STARNOSE n. a curious American mole having the nose expanded at the end into a stellate disk.
TREASONStreasons n. Plural of treason.
TREASON n. betrayal of one's country.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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