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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, M, N, S, T and U

ANESTRUManestrum n. Synonym of anestrus.
ANESTRUM n. (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus, also ANESTRUS, ANOESTRUM, ANOESTRUS.
AUGMENTSaugments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of augment.
augments n. Plural of augment.
AUGMENT v. to increase.
HUMANESThumanest adj. Superlative form of humane: most humane.
HUMANE adj. compassionate.
MANSUETEmansuete adj. (Obsolete) tame; gentle; kind.
MANSUETE adj. (archaic) tame, gentle.
MANTEAUSmanteaus n. Plural of manteau.
MANTEAU n. (French) a woman's loose gown, also MANTO, MANTUA, MANTY.
MENSTRUAmenstrua n. Plural of menstruum.
MENSTRUUM n. (Latin) a solvent, esp. one used in the preparation of drugs.
MUTAGENSmutagens n. Plural of mutagen.
MUTAGEN n. a substance that causes biological mutation.
NOTAEUMSNOTAEUM n. (Greek) the upper surface of a bird's trunk.
NUTMEALSnutmeals n. Plural of nutmeal.
NUTMEAL n. meal made from nuts.
NUTMEATSnutmeats n. Plural of nutmeat.
NUTMEAT n. the edible kernel of a nut.
OUTNAMESoutnames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outname.
OUTNAME v. to exceed in naming or describing.
PUTAMENSputamens n. Plural of putamen.
PUTAMEN n. (Latin) a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell.
SEAMOUNTseamount n. (Oceanography) An underwater mountain with a prominence of more than 1,000 metres, which does not breach…
SEAMOUNT n. a volcanic mountain on the seafloor.
SPUMANTEspumante n. Any of several Italian sparkling wines, some of which are made using the méthode champenoise.
SPUMANTE n. (Italian) a sparkling white wine.
SUBMENTAsubmenta n. Plural of submentum.
SUBMENTUM n. the basal part of the labium of insects.
TRANSUMEtransume v. (Archaic, transitive) To change, convert.
TRANSUME v. (obsolete) to transcribe officially.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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