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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, N, R, S and U

ALEURONSaleurons n. Plural of aleuron.
ALEURON n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURONE.
FLANEURSflaneurs n. Plural of flaneur.
flâneurs n. Plural of flâneur.
FLANEUR n. (French) an idle man-about-town; a lounger, gossiper.
FUNERALSfunerals n. Plural of funeral.
FUNERAL n. a ceremony held to honour a dead person.
GRANULESgranules n. Plural of granule.
GRANULE n. a little grain.
LAUNDERSlaunders n. Plural of launder.
launders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of launder.
LAUNDER v. to wash clothes.
LUCARNESlucarnes n. Plural of lucarne.
LUCARNE n. (French) a dormer window.
LUNARIESLUNARY n. the moonwort fern.
LURDANESlurdanes n. Plural of lurdane.
LURDANE n. (archaic) a dull or sluggish person, also LURDAN, LURDEN.
MENSURALmensural adj. Of or pertaining to measure or measurement.
mensural adj. (Music) Having a fixed rhythm.
MENSURAL adj. pertaining to measure.
NEUROSALneurosal adj. Relating to a neurosis.
NEUROSAL adj. relating to neurosis.
NEURULASneurulas n. Plural of neurula.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NEUTRALSneutrals n. Plural of neutral.
NEUTRAL n. one that is impartial.
NUMERALSnumerals n. Plural of numeral.
NUMERAL n. a symbol that expresses a number.
PURSLANEpurslane n. Any of the family Portulacaceae (order Caryophyllales) of succulent plants.
purslane n. Other similar plants in other families in order Caryophyllales.
PURSLANE n. a pot herb and salad herb, also PERSELINE, PURSLAIN.
RUNDALESrundales n. Plural of rundale.
RUNDALE n. (Scots) a system of holding land in single detached pieces, also RUNRIG.
SUPERNALsupernal adj. Pertaining to heaven or to the sky; celestial.
supernal adj. Exalted, exquisite, superlative.
SUPERNAL adj. being or coming from on high; celestial.
UNLEARNSunlearns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unlearn.
UNLEARN v. to put out of one's memory.
UNRAVELSunravels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unravel.
UNRAVEL v. to separate the threads of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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