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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, L, R and 2T

AGLITTERaglitter adj. Glittering.
AGLITTER adj. glittering.
ALTERITYalterity n. (Philosophy, anthropology) Otherness; the entity in contrast to which an identity is constructed.
ALTERITY n. otherness.
DETRITALdetrital adj. (Geology) Consisting of, or pertaining to, geological detritus.
DETRITAL adj. pertaining to, or composed of, detritus.
FILTRATEfiltrate n. The liquid or solution that has passed through a filter, and which has been separated from the filtride / filtrand.
filtrate v. To filter.
FILTRATE v. to filter.
LATERITElaterite n. A red hard or gravel-like soil or subsoil formed in the tropics that has been leached of soluble minerals…
LATERITE n. a highly weathered red soil rich in iron and aluminum oxides.
LITERATEliterate adj. Able to read and write; having literacy.
literate adj. Knowledgeable in literature, writing; literary; well-read.
literate adj. Which is used in writing (of a language or dialect).
LITERATIliterati n. Well-educated, literary people; intellectuals who are interested in literature.
LITERATO n. (Italian) a learned man, one acquainted with letters.
LITERATOliterato n. Singular of literati.
LITERATO n. (Italian) a learned man, one acquainted with letters.
RATTLIERrattlier adj. Comparative form of rattly: more rattly.
RATTLY adj. inclined to rattle.
RATTLINErattline n. (Nautical) Alternative form of ratline.
RATTLINE n. any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLIN, RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLIN, RATTLING.
REMITTALremittal n. Anything remitted; remittance.
REMITTAL n. the act of remitting, also REMITMENT.
TERTIALStertials n. Plural of tertial.
TERTIAL n. a flight feather of a bird's wing, also TERTIARY.
TITRABLEtitrable adj. Alternative form of titratable.
TITRABLE adj. capable of being titrated.
TRACTILEtractile adj. Capable of being drawn or stretched out in length.
tractile adj. Pertaining to traction or pulling.
tractile adj. (Dated) Capable of being guided, influenced, or led.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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