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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, L, M, R and T

AMITROLEamitrole n. (Organic chemistry) The heterocyclic amine 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole that is used as a nonselective systemic…
AMITROLE n. a kind of herbicide.
EREMITALeremital adj. Synonym of eremitic.
EREMITAL adj. of or like an eremite, a hermit, esp. a religious recluse.
LAMISTERlamister n. (Slang) A person who is on the run from law enforcement.
LAMISTER n. (US) a fugitive, also LAMSTER.
LAMITERSlamiters n. Plural of lamiter.
LAMITER n. (dialect) a cripple, also LAMETER, LAMIGER, LAMMIGER.
MARLIESTmarliest adj. Superlative form of marly: most marly.
MARLY adj. abounding with marl.
MARLITESmarlites n. Plural of marlite.
MARLITE n. marl with 25% to 75% clay, plus chalk.
MATERIALmaterial adj. Having to do with matter; consisting of matter.
material adj. Worldly, as opposed to spiritual.
material adj. (Law, accounting) Significant.
MATERIELmateriel n. Military equipment, apparatus, and supplies.
matériel n. Alternative spelling of materiel.
MATERIEL n. (French) material; equipment; the baggage and munitions of an army.
METRICALmetrical adj. Relating to poetic meter.
metrical adj. Having a regular rhythm.
metrical adj. Of or pertaining to measurement.
MISALTERmisalter v. (Transitive) To make a change that leaves (something) worse than before.
MISALTER v. to alter wrongly.
REALTIMErealtime adj. Alternative form of real-time.
real-time adj. Communicated as the events being responded to occur; communicated or proceeding without much delay (compare…
real-time adj. (Computing) of a system that responds to events or signals within a predictable time after their occurrence;…
REMITTALremittal n. Anything remitted; remittance.
REMITTAL n. the act of remitting, also REMITMENT.
ROLAMITErolamite n. A simple machine consisting of a stressed metal band and counter-rotating rollers within an enclosure…
ROLAMITE n. two or more rollers connected by a belt but relatively loose.
TERMINALterminal n. A building in an airport where passengers transfer from ground transportation to the facilities that…
terminal n. A harbour facility where ferries embark and disembark passengers and load and unload vehicles.
terminal n. A rail station where service begins and ends; the end of the line. For example: Grand Central Terminal…
TRAMLINEtramline n. (Rail transport) The rails that a tram runs on.
tramline n. (Tennis, Britain) Either of the two pairs of sidelines marked on a tennis court which mark the outside…
tramline n. (Film) A scratch on a film, usually vertical, that extends through multiple frames.
TRILEMMAtrilemma n. A circumstance in which a choice must be made between three options that seem equally undesirable.
trilemma n. A situation in which a choice must be made among three desirable options, only two of which are possible…
trilemma n. (Logic) An argument containing three alternatives, jointly exhaustive either under any condition(s)…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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