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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, L, M, N and R

GERMINALgerminal adj. Relating to spring.
germinal adj. Pertaining, similar, or belonging to a germ.
germinal adj. (Botany) Relating to a plant ovary.
INFLAMERinflamer n. (Usually figuratively) Something that inflames.
INFLAMER n. one who inflames.
LEMURIANLemurian adj. Of or pertaining to the mythical Lemuria.
Lemurian adj. Relating to the Ancient Roman festival of Lemuria.
Lemurian n. An inhabitant of the mythical Lemuria.
MALIGNERmaligner n. Someone who maligns.
MALIGNER n. one who maligns.
MALINGERmalinger v. (Transitive, intransitive) To feign illness, injury, or incapacitation in order to avoid work, obligation…
malinger v. (Transitive, intransitive) To self-inflict real injury or infection (to inflict self-harm) in order…
Malinger prop.n. A surname.
MARLINESmarlines n. Plural of marline.
MARLINE n. a line of two loosely twisted strands used on a ship.
MINERALSminerals n. Plural of mineral.
MINERAL n. any of various classes of inorganic substances.
MISLEARNmislearn v. To learn wrongly.
MISLEARN v. to learn wrongly.
RIFLEMANrifleman n. A soldier trained to use a rifle as their primary weapon.
rifleman n. A person especially skilled in the use of a rifle.
rifleman n. A small wrenlike insectivorous passerine bird endemic to New Zealand, Acanthisitta chloris, the titipounamu.
TERMINALterminal n. A building in an airport where passengers transfer from ground transportation to the facilities that…
terminal n. A harbour facility where ferries embark and disembark passengers and load and unload vehicles.
terminal n. A rail station where service begins and ends; the end of the line. For example: Grand Central Terminal…
TRAMLINEtramline n. (Rail transport) The rails that a tram runs on.
tramline n. (Tennis, Britain) Either of the two pairs of sidelines marked on a tennis court which mark the outside…
tramline n. (Film) A scratch on a film, usually vertical, that extends through multiple frames.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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