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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, N, O, R and T

DRAGONETdragonet n. A small dragon.
dragonet n. Any of the small perciform marine fish of the families Callionymidae and Draconettidae (slope dragonets)…
DRAGONET n. a marine fish of the genus Callionymus.
ESTRAGONestragon n. Tarragon.
ESTRAGON n. a kind of herb, also STARAGEN, TARRAGON.
FRONTAGEfrontage n. The front part of a property or building that faces the street.
frontage n. The land between a property and the street.
frontage n. The length of a property along a street.
NEGATORSnegators n. Plural of negator.
NEGATOR n. one that negates, also NEGATER.
NEGATORYnegatory adj. Negative, negating.
negatory n. (Military, CB slang) No.
NEGATORY adj. expressing denial.
NEGATRONnegatron n. (Physics, obsolete) The electron.
NEGATRON n. a hypothetical atomic particle with mass equal to that of a proton, but with a negative charge equal to that of an electron, also NEGATON.
ORANGESTorangest adj. Superlative form of orange: most orange.
ORANGE adj. the colour of an orange (a fruit).
OUTRANGEoutrange v. (Transitive) To have a longer range than (another projectile or weapon).
OUTRANGE v. to surpass in range.
RAGSTONEragstone n. Stone that is quarried in thin pieces.
RAGSTONE n. any of various different kinds of stone of a hard coarse texture, which break up in flat pieces several inches thick, also RAGG.
STONERAGSTONERAG n. a kind of lichen, also STONERAW.
TETRAGONtetragon n. (Geometry, rare) Quadrilateral.
tetragon n. An aspect of two planets with regard to the Earth when they are distant from each other ninety degrees…
TETRAGON n. a four-sided polygon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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