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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, L, N, R and T

ALERTINGalerting v. Present participle of alert.
ALERT v. to warn.
ALTERINGaltering v. Present participle of alter.
altering n. Alteration.
ALTER v. to make different.
ARGENTALargental adj. Of silver.
ARGENTAL adj. of or pertaining to silver.
INTEGRALintegral adj. Constituting a whole together with other parts or factors; not omittable or removable.
integral adj. (Mathematics) Of, pertaining to, or being an integer.
integral adj. (Mathematics) Relating to integration.
REGENTALregental adj. Of or relating to a regent.
REGENTAL adj. relating to a regent, a person invested with royal authority by or on behalf of another.
RELATINGrelating v. Present participle of relate.
relating n. The act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.
RELATE v. to give an account of.
STRANGLEstrangle v. (Transitive) To kill someone by squeezing the throat so as to cut off the oxygen supply; to choke, suffocate…
strangle v. (Transitive) To stifle or suppress.
strangle v. (Intransitive) To be killed by strangulation, or become strangled.
TANGLERStanglers n. Plural of tangler.
TANGLER n. one who tangles.
TANGLIERtanglier adj. Comparative form of tangly: more tangly.
TANGLY adj. tangled.
TERAGLINteraglin n. (Australia) any of several ocean fishes in the family Sciaenidae, especially…
TERAGLIN n. (Native Australian) an edible marine fish of Australia.
TRANGLEStrangles n. Plural of trangle.
TRANGLE n. in heraldry, a diminutive of the fesse.
TRIANGLEtriangle n. (Geometry) A polygon with three sides and three angles.
triangle n. (US, Canada) A set square.
triangle n. (Music) A percussion instrument made by forming a metal rod into a triangular shape which is open at…
TWANGLERtwangler n. One who makes a twangling sound.
TWANGLER n. one who twangles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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