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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, I, L, M and S

GELSEMIAgelsemia n. Synonym of gelsemine.
GELSEMIUM n. a climbing plant.
GREMIALSgremials n. Plural of gremial.
GREMIAL n. a cloth laid on a bishop's knees to keep his vestments clean from oil at ordination.
LAMIGERSlamigers n. Plural of lamiger.
LAMIGER n. (dialect) a cripple, also LAMETER, LAMITER, LAMMIGER.
LEGALISMlegalism n. Focusing on the text of written law to the exclusion of the intent of law, elevating strict adherence…
legalism n. (Religion) A belief that salvation is attained or maintained by adherence to the requirements of moral…
legalism n. A legal axiom, term or rule.
MEASLINGmeasling n. (UK dialect) Synonym of measle: the disease caused by M. morbillivirus, a red spot caused by the disease.
measling n. (Uncountable) A form of delamination or separation in a laminate material that results in a spotty appearance.
MEASLE v. (archaic) to catch or infect with measles.
MEGILLASmegillas n. Plural of megilla.
MEGILLA n. (Hebrew) a scroll containing a book of the Old Testament, also MEGILLAH.
MILEAGESmileages n. Plural of mileage.
MILEAGE n. the total distance expressed in miles, also MILAGE.
MILLAGESmillages n. Plural of millage.
Millages prop.n. Plural of Millage.
MILLAGE n. a type of monetary rate.
REGALISMregalism n. The doctrine of the ecclesiastical supremacy of a sovereign.
REGALISM n. the doctrine of the monarch's supremacy in church affairs.
SEMIGALASEMIGALA n. an event similar to a gala but on a lesser scale.
SLIMEBAGslimebag n. (Slang, derogatory) A person who is unpleasant or underhanded; a slimeball.
SLIMEBAG n. an odious and contemptible person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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