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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, I, L, N and T

ANTILEFTantileft adj. (Politics) Opposing the political left.
ANTILEFT adj. opposed to leftism.
ANTILIFEantilife adj. (US, politics, derogatory) pro-choice.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) antinatalist; supporting the use of contraception to space or limit births.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) Supporting the death penalty in a particular case or in general.
FILAMENTfilament n. A fine thread or wire.
filament n. Such a wire, as can be heated until it glows, in an incandescent light bulb or a thermionic valve.
filament n. (Physics, astronomy) A massive, thread-like structure, such as those gaseous ones which extend outward…
FLATLINEflatline n. An unchanging state, as indicated in a graph of a variable over time.
flatline n. Asystole; the absence of heart contractions or brain waves.
flatline v. (Intransitive, of the heart) To stop beating.
INFLATEDinflated adj. Filled with air or fluid.
inflated adj. Expanded; in a state of inflation, of abnormally increased size, amount, etc.
inflated adj. (Economics): In a state of higher cost.
INFLATERinflater n. Someone who inflates.
inflater n. A pump, canister or other source of pressurised gas used to inflate tires.
inflater n. (Economics) A cause of inflation.
INFLATESinflates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inflate.
INFLATE v. to expand with air or gas.
OLEFIANTolefiant adj. That produces oil.
OLEFIANT adj. oil-forming, as in olefiant ethylene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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