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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, 2E, I, L, N and R

ALGERINEalgerine n. A type of loosely woven cloth in stripes of bright colors, used for scarves, shawls and similar.
Algerine adj. (Archaic) Algerian.
Algerine n. (Archaic) A native or inhabitant of Algiers or Algeria, especially of Moorish or Berber descent, or…
ALIENERSalieners n. Plural of aliener.
ALIENER n. one that transfers property.
CARELINEcareline n. A helpline provided by a manufacturer of a product.
CARELINE n. a telephone service set up by a business to supposedly care for customers.
CINEREALcinereal adj. Of or pertaining to cinerea.
cinereal adj. Cinereous, ashen.
CINEREAL adj. relating to cinerea, the grey matter of the brain.
ELATERINelaterin n. An extract from the juice of the fruit of Ecballium elaterium (the squirting cucumber), used as a purgative.
ELATERIN n. a purgative produced from elaterium, a substance found in the juice of the squirting cucumber.
ENTAILERentailer n. That which entails, or has as a consequence.
entailer n. (Law) One who makes an entail.
ENTAILER n. one who entails (an estate).
FLANERIEflânerie n. Idling about, dawdling about, loafing about.
FLANERIE n. (French) commendable idleness or aimless wandering.
NEARLIERnearlier adv. (Archaic) comparative form of nearly: more nearly; more closely.
NEARLY adv. almost.
PERINEALperineal adj. Referring to the region of the perineum.
PERINEAL adj. relating to a perineum.
RELIANCEreliance n. The act of relying (on or in someone or something); trust.
reliance n. The condition of being reliant or dependent.
reliance n. (Dated) Anything on which to rely; ground of trust.
RENAILEDrenailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of renail.
RENAIL v. to nail again.
TREENAILtreenail n. A wooden peg or pin used as a fastener.
TREENAIL n. a wooden peg used to fasten timber, also TRENAIL, TRUNNEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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