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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, 2E, G, I, N and T

AGENETICagenetic adj. Not genetic; that does not have a genetic cause.
AGENETIC adj. relating to agenesis, imperfect development of bodily parts.
AGENTIVEagentive adj. (Linguistics) Indicating an agent or agency (as -er in lexicographer).
agentive adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to a grammatical agent that performs the action of the verb.
agentive n. (Linguistics) A word having an agentive construction.
ANTIGENEantigene n. (Genetics) An oligonucleotide that attaches to a specific gene and suppresses its action.
ANTIGENE n. a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies, also ANTIGEN.
ENARGITEenargite n. (Mineralogy) A steel gray, blackish gray, to violet black copper arsenic sulfosalt mineral with a metallic luster.
ENARGITE n. a dark-grey crystalline copper arsenic sulphide, a minor ore of copper.
EXIGEANTexigeant adj. Exigent; demanding.
EXIGEANT adj. (French) exacting.
GALENITEgalenite n. (Uncommon) Synonym of galena.
GALENITE n. the principal ore of lead, also GALENA.
GELATINEgelatine n. (Chiefly Commonwealth) Alternative form of gelatin.
GELATINE n. a colourless, odourless and tasteless glue prepared from albuminous matter e.g. bones and hides, also GELATIN.
GEMINATEgeminate adj. Forming a pair.
geminate adj. (Phonology) Of a consonant, pronounced longer and considered as being doubled.
geminate v. To arrange in pairs.
GRATINEEgratinee n. Alternative spelling of gratinée.
gratinee v. Alternative spelling of gratinée.
gratinée n. Synonym of gratin.
INTERAGEINTERAGE adj. including people of various ages.
LEGATINElegatine adj. Belonging to a legate.
legatine adj. Headed by a legate.
legatine adj. Enacted by a legate.
NEGATIVEnegative adj. Not positive nor neutral.
negative adj. (Physics) Of electrical charge of an electron and related particles.
negative adj. (Mathematics) Of a number: less than zero.
SAGENITEsagenite n. (Mineralogy) acicular rutile occurring in reticulated forms embedded in quartz.
SAGENITE n. a form of the mineral rutile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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