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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, N, O, R and T

ANTIDORAantidora n. Plural of antidoron.
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
AROINTEDarointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of aroint.
AROINT v. (archaic) to drive or frighten away, also AROYNT.
DERATIONderation v. To remove rationing restrictions from (a product or commodity), so that the amounts one can buy or obtain…
DERATION v. to free from rationing.
DIATRONSdiatrons n. Plural of diatron.
DIATRON n. a circuitry design that uses diodes.
DURATIONduration n. An amount of time or a particular time interval.
duration n. (In the singular, not followed by "of") The time taken for the current situation to end, especially the current war.
duration n. (Finance) A measure of the sensitivity of the price of a financial asset to changes in interest rates…
INTRADOSintrados n. (Architecture) The inner curve of an arch or vault.
INTRADOS n. (French) the inner curve of an arch.
ORDINANTordinant n. (Obsolete) One who ordains.
ordinant adj. Ordaining; decreeing.
ORDINANT n. one who ordains.
ORDINATEordinate n. (Geometry) The second of the two terms by which a point is referred to, in a system of fixed rectilinear…
ordinate n. (Geometry) The vertical line representing an axis of a Cartesian coordinate system, on which the ordinate…
ordinate v. (Transitive, uncommon) to ordain a priest, or consecrate a bishop.
RATIONEDrationed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ration.
RATION v. to distribute in fixed amounts.
TANDOORItandoori adj. (Of food) Cooked in a tandoor.
tandoori n. (Of food) A dish that was cooked in a tandoor.
TANDOORI n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOOR.
TORNADICtornadic adj. Of or relating to a tornado.
tornadic adj. Having the ability to produce a tornado.
TORNADIC adj. relating to a tornado.
TRINODALtrinodal adj. Having three nodes.
TRINODAL adj. having three nodes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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