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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, D, E, L, O, P and S

ASPHODELasphodel n. Flowering plants of the family Asphodelaceae, especially Asphodelus ramosus and Asphodelus albus; the…
asphodel n. (Greek mythology) The flower said to carpet Hades, and a favorite food of the dead.
ASPHODEL n. (Greek) a plant of the lily family; in literature, the flower of the Elysian fields.
DEPOSALSdeposals n. Plural of deposal.
DEPOSAL n. the act of deposing from office.
EPISODALepisodal adj. Episodic.
EPISODAL adj. pertaining to or contained in an episode, also EPISODIAL, EPISODIC, EPISODICAL.
LEOPARDSleopards n. Plural of leopard.
LEOPARD n. a large, carnivorous, feline mammal.
MALPOSEDmalposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of malpose.
MALPOSED adj. being in the wrong position.
OPALISEDopalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of opalise.
OPALISED adj. made smooth, like opal, also OPALIZED.
PALUDOSEpaludose adj. Growing or living in marshy places; marshy.
PALUDOSE adj. marshy; living in marshes, also PALUDOUS.
PEDALOESpedaloes n. Plural of pedalo.
PEDALO n. a type of pleasure boat powered by pedalling.
PEDOCALSpedocals n. Plural of pedocal.
PEDOCAL n. a type of soil typical of an arid or semiarid region.
PHOLADESpholades n. Plural of pholas.
PHOLAS n. (Greek) a mollusc of the piddock genus of rock-boring molluscs.
PRELOADSpreloads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preload.
PRELOAD v. to load beforehand.
SEPALODYsepalody n. (Botany) The metamorphosis of other floral organs into sepals or sepaloid bodies.
SEPALODY n. transformation into sepals.
SEPALOIDsepaloid adj. (Botany) Resembling a sepal.
SEPALOID adj. of the form of sepals, also SEPALINE.
TADPOLEStadpoles n. Plural of tadpole.
TADPOLE n. the aquatic larva of an amphibian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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