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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, D, E, H, I, L and N

HANDLIKEhandlike adj. Resembling a hand.
HANDLIKE adj. resembling a hand.
HANDLINEhandline n. (Fishing) A single fishing line without a rod, but usually attached to a reel, held in the hands.
handline n. A firefighting hose held and directed by a team of people.
handline v. (Fishing) To fish with a single fishing line held in the hands.
HARDLINEhardline n. (Business) A retail product collection consisting primarily of hardware targeting the do-it-yourself customer.
hardline n. (Business) A retail product collection which includes many non-information goods, such as home appliances…
hardline n. (Telephony) A physical wire or cable connection; landline.
HEADLINEheadline n. (Journalism) The heading or title of a magazine or newspaper article.
headline n. (Printing, dated) The line at the top of a page containing the folio or number of the page.
headline n. (Entertainment) The top-billed attraction.
HEALDINGhealding v. Present participle of heald.
HEALD v. (obsolete) to heel, incline on one side.
LIONHEADlionhead n. A lionhead rabbit.
lionhead n. A lionhead cichlid.
LIONHEAD n. a small long-tailed breed of rabbit.
NAILHEADnailhead n. The head of a nail.
NAILHEAD n. the top of a nail.
UNHAILEDunhailed adj. Not hailed.
UNHAILED adj. not hailed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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