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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, D, 2E and 3R

DREARIERdrearier adj. Comparative form of dreary: more dreary.
DREARY adj. dismal.
LARDERERlarderer n. Someone in charge of a larder.
LARDERER n. a person in charge of a larder.
REDRAWERredrawer n. A company that redraws steel.
redrawer n. A person who redraws previously published drawings, to adjust drawn figures, details, or change text.
REDRAWER n. one that redraws.
REGARDERregarder n. (Chiefly Britain, archaic) An official responsible for monitoring woodlands and forest areas and reporting…
regarder n. A person who regards something or someone.
REGARDER n. one who regards.
REREWARDrereward n. Obsolete spelling of rearward (in the archaic and historical military sense of rearguard and the obsolete…
REREWARD n. the rearmost division of an army, also REARWARD.
RETARDERretarder n. Something which retards or slows.
retarder n. (Mechanical engineering) A device for slowing down large trucks, lorries, buses, shunted railway wagons.
retarder n. (Baking) A refrigerator used to slow down proofing of yeast when making dough.
REWARDERrewarder n. One who rewards.
REWARDER n. one that rewards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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