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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, C, O, P, R, S and T

APRICOTSapricots n. Plural of apricot.
APRICOT n. a fruit of the plum genus, roundish, orange-coloured, with a downy skin, also ABRICOCK, APRICOCK.
CALTROPScaltrops n. Plural of caltrop.
CALTROP n. a device with four metal points so arranged so that one points upward as a hazard, also CALTHROP, CALTRAP.
CARPORTScarports n. Plural of carport.
CARPORT n. a covered parking space, esp. a space under a roof projecting from a building.
COMPARTScomparts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compart.
COMPART v. to divide into parts.
COPASTORcopastor n. One who shares the role of pastor with another person.
COPASTOR n. one that shares the duties of a pastor.
PATRICOSpatricos n. Plural of patrico.
PATRICO n. (slang) a hedge-priest, also PATERCOVE.
PISCATORpiscator n. (Archaic, formal) A fisherman; an angler.
PISCATOR n. a fisherman.
POSTCARDpostcard n. A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an…
postcard v. (Transitive) To send a postcard to.
postcard v. (Transitive) To send by means of a postcard.
POSTRACEpostrace adj. Following a race.
POSTRACE adj. following a race.
ROOTCAPSrootcaps n. Plural of rootcap.
ROOTCAP n. the loose mass of cells that covers the tip of some roots.
TOPARCHStoparchs n. Plural of toparch.
Toparchs n. Plural of Toparch.
TOPARCH n. (Greek) a ruler of a district.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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