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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, R, S and 2T

ABSTRICTabstrict v. (Transitive, biology, mycology) To cut off, as in abstriction; abjoint.
ABSTRICT v. to set free spores etc. by constriction of the stalk.
ARTISTICartistic adj. Having or revealing creative skill.
artistic adj. Relating to or characteristic of art or artists.
artistic adj. Aesthetically pleasing.
ASTRICTSastricts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of astrict.
ASTRICT v. (archaic) to bind, constrict; to bind by moral or legal obligation.
CASTRATIcastrati n. Plural of castrato.
CASTRATO n. (Italian) a male singer castrated in boyhood to preserve his singing voice.
CHARTISTchartist n. (Finance) A financial analyst who attempts to predict future movements in the prices of shares or other…
Chartist n. (Historical) A supporter of the Chartism reform movement in the United Kingdom.
Chartist adj. (Historical) Relating to Chartism.
CITATORScitators n. Plural of citator.
CITATOR n. one who cites.
CITRATEScitrates n. Plural of citrate.
citrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of citrate.
CITRATE n. a salt of citric acid.
CRISTATEcristate adj. Having a crest; crested.
CRISTATE adj. having a projection on the head, also CRISTATED.
DISTRACTdistract v. (Transitive) To divert the attention of.
distract v. (Transitive) To make crazy or insane; to drive to distraction.
distract adj. (Obsolete) Separated; drawn asunder.
RICOTTASricottas n. Plural of ricotta.
Ricottas prop.n. Plural of Ricotta.
RICOTTA n. (Italian) a type of Italian cheese.
SCATTIERscattier adj. Comparative form of scatty: more scatty.
SCATTY adj. empty-headed.
STRAICHTstraicht adj. (Scotland) Straight.
straicht adv. (Scotland) Straight.
STRAICHT adj. (Scots) straight, also STRAUCHT, STRAUGHT.
TIPCARTStipcarts n. Plural of tipcart.
TIPCART n. a cart so constructed that the body can be easily tipped, in order to dump the load.
TRIATICStriatics n. Plural of triatic.
TRIATIC n. a rope joining adjacent mastheads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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