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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, O, R, S and T

ACROSTICacrostic n. A poem or other text in which certain letters, often the first in each line, spell out a name or message.
acrostic n. A poem in Hebrew in which successive lines or verses start with consecutive letters of the alphabet.
acrostic n. A kind of word puzzle, the solution of which forms an anagram of a quotation, and their initials often…
ACROTISMacrotism n. (Medicine) A lack or defect of the pulse.
ACROTISM n. absence of pulsation.
ACTORISHactorish adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an actor or theatrical acting; like an actor.
ACTORISH adj. like an actor.
AORISTICaoristic adj. (Grammar) Of, or relating to the aorist aspect.
AORISTIC adj. pertaining to the aorist verb tense.
APRICOTSapricots n. Plural of apricot.
APRICOT n. a fruit of the plum genus, roundish, orange-coloured, with a downy skin, also ABRICOCK, APRICOCK.
CALORISTcalorist n. (Historical) A scientist who favoured the caloric theory, dealing with the hypothetical medium of heat.
CALORIST n. a person who believes in the caloric theory.
CANTORIScantoris adj. (Church architecture) Of the side of the chancel, apse, altar or choir on which the cantor’s (later…
CANTORIS adj. (Latin) to be sung on the north side of the choir.
CAROTIDScarotids n. Plural of carotid.
CAROTID n. a large artery that supplies blood to the head and neck.
CAROTINScarotins n. Plural of carotin.
CAROTIN n. any of a number of reddish-yellow pigments widely distributed in plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body, also CAROTENE, CARROTIN.
CHARIOTSchariots n. Plural of chariot.
CHARIOT v. to ride in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle.
CITATORScitators n. Plural of citator.
CITATOR n. one who cites.
CORTINAScortinas n. Plural of cortina.
Cortinas n. Plural of Cortina.
CORTINA n. a membrane on some mushrooms.
EROTICASEROTICA n. (Latin) erotic books, art etc.
HARICOTSharicots n. Plural of haricot.
HARICOT n. (French) a kind of bean or pea.
ORGASTICorgastic adj. Orgasmic (exciting or stimulating; relating to or prone to orgasm).
ORGASTIC adj. pertaining to orgasm.
PATRICOSpatricos n. Plural of patrico.
PATRICO n. (slang) a hedge-priest, also PATERCOVE.
PISCATORpiscator n. (Archaic, formal) A fisherman; an angler.
PISCATOR n. a fisherman.
RICOTTASricottas n. Plural of ricotta.
Ricottas prop.n. Plural of Ricotta.
RICOTTA n. (Italian) a type of Italian cheese.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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