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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, M, N, O and R

ACRIMONYacrimony n. A sharp and bitter hatred.
ACRIMONY n. bitterness of feeling.
ACROMIONacromion n. (Anatomy) The outermost point of the shoulder blade.
ACROMION n. (Greek) the outer extremity of the shoulder blade.
ARMONICAarmonica n. A musical instrument made of blown-glass bowls mounted on a spindle turned originally by a foot pedal…
ARMONICA n. a kind of musical instrument.
CAROMINGcaroming v. Present participle of carom.
CAROM v. to collide with and rebound, also CARROM.
CHOIRMANchoirman n. A male chorister (in a church choir).
CHOIRMAN n. a male chorister.
CONARIUMconarium n. (Anatomy) The pineal gland.
CONARIUM n. (Greek) the pineal gland.
CORAMINECORAMINE n. a circulatory stimulant banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, hence preventing its use by athletes.
COUMARINcoumarin n. (Organic chemistry) the bicyclic aromatic compound 1,2-benzopyrone or any of its derivatives.
COUMARIN n. (Tupi) a crystalline compound obtained from Tonka beans, woodruff, melilot, etc used medicinally to prevent coagulation of the blood, also CUMARIN.
HARMONICharmonic adj. Pertaining to harmony.
harmonic adj. Pleasant to hear; harmonious; melodious.
harmonic adj. (Mathematics) used to characterize various mathematical entities or relationships supposed to bear some…
MACARONImacaroni n. (Uncountable) A type of pasta in the form of short tubes; sometimes loosely, pasta in general.
macaroni n. (Derogatory, historical) A fop, a dandy; especially a young man in the 18th century who had travelled…
macaroni adj. (Historical) Chic, fashionable, stylish; in the manner of a macaroni.
MARCONISmarconis v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marconi.
marconis n. Plural of marconi.
MARCONI v. to communicate by wireless telegraphy.
MAROCAINmarocain n. A heavy crepe fabric of silk, wool, or both, having a cross-ribbed texture, used for apparel.
Marocain prop.n. (Horticulture) A variety of grape.
Marocain prop.n. (Viticulture) A name used for two unrelated varieties of French wine grape, carignan and cinsault.
MINORCASMINORCA n. any of a breed of large domestic fowls.
MORAINICmorainic adj. Pertaining to a moraine.
MORAINIC adj. of or pertaining to a moraine, also MORAINAL.
OMNIARCHomniarch n. A ruler of the world or everything.
OMNIARCH n. an almighty ruler.
ROMANTICromantic adj. (Chiefly historical) Of a work of literature, a writer etc.: being like or having the characteristics…
romantic adj. (Obsolete) Fictitious, imaginary.
romantic adj. Fantastic, unrealistic (Of an idea etc.); fanciful, sentimental, impractical (of a person).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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