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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, G, I, N, S and T

AGNOSTICagnostic adj. Of or relating to agnosticism or its adherents.
agnostic adj. Doubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity.
agnostic adj. (Computing) Of a software component etc.: unaware or noncommittal regarding the specific nature of the…
CANTINGScantings n. Plural of canting.
CANTING n. the act of canting.
CASTINGScastings n. Plural of casting.
CASTING n. something made in a mould.
CASTLINGcastling n. (Obsolete) An abortion, or a premature birth.
castling n. (Obsolete) The second or third swarm of bees which leaves a hive in a season.
castling n. A miniature cast or mould.
CATLINGScatlings n. Plural of catling.
CATLING n. a surgical knife, also CATLIN.
COASTINGcoasting v. Present participle of coast.
coasting n. The act of sailing along a coast, or from port to port.
coasting n. The act of disengaging the gears of a moving vehicle and rolling along without the use of engine power.
COATINGScoatings n. Plural of coating.
COATING n. a covering layer.
COTINGAScotingas n. Plural of cotinga.
COTINGA n. (Tupi) a tropical bird with bright plumage.
SCANTINGscanting v. Present participle of scant.
SCANT v. to cut short, to spare.
SCARTINGscarting v. Present participle of scart.
SCART v. to scratch, scrape, also SCRAT.
SCATHINGscathing v. Present participle of scathe.
scathing adj. Harshly or bitterly critical; vitriolic.
scathing adj. Harmful or painful; acerbic.
SCATTINGscatting v. Present participle of scat.
scatting n. Scat singing.
SCATTING n. pebble dashing.
SCLATINGsclating v. Present participle of sclate.
SCLATE v. to slate.
STACKINGstacking n. The act by which something is stacked.
stacking n. (Uncountable) Sport stacking.
stacking n. (Chemistry, countable) A stacked arrangement of often aromatic molecules, adopted due to interatomic interactions.
TACKINGStackings n. Plural of tacking.
TACKING n. a nautical manoeuvre.
TRACINGStracings n. Plural of tracing.
TRACING n. something that is traced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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