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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, I, P, R and T

APORETICaporetic adj. Tending to doubt.
APORETIC adj. relating to aporia, a professed doubt of what to say or to choose.
APRICATEapricate v. (Intransitive, rare) To bask in the sun.
apricate v. (Transitive, also figuratively, rare) To disinfect and freshen by exposing to the sun; to sun.
APRICATE v. to expose to sunlight.
APYRETICapyretic adj. (Medicine) Without fever, free from fever.
APYRETIC adj. without fever.
CHAPITERchapiter n. Obsolete form of chapter.
chapiter n. (Architecture) The capital or uppermost part of a column, upon which the roof and its decorations are supported.
chapiter n. (UK, law, obsolete) A written summary of matters to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre…
CRAPIESTcrapiest adj. Superlative form of crapy: most crapy.
crapiest adj. Superlative form of crapey: most crapey.
CRAPY adj. like crape.
CRISPATEcrispate adj. (Botany) Having curled, wavy or notched edges.
CRISPATE adj. having a wavy edge, also CRISPATED.
IMPACTERimpacter n. One who or that which makes an impact.
IMPACTER n. one that impacts, also IMPACTOR.
OPERATICoperatic adj. Of, related to, or typical of opera.
OPERATIC adj. relating to opera.
PARETICSparetics n. Plural of paretic.
PARETIC n. one affected with paresis.
PARTICLEparticle n. A very small piece of matter, a fragment; especially, the smallest possible part of something.
particle n. (Physics) Any of various physical objects making up the constituent parts of an atom; an elementary…
particle n. (Linguistics) A part of speech that has no inherent lexical definition but must be associated with another…
PATCHIERpatchier adj. Comparative form of patchy: more patchy.
PATCHY adj. uneven in quality.
PHREATICphreatic adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to ground water; (volcanology) involving explosively rapid heating of ground…
PHREATIC adj. pertaining to underground waters.
PICRATEDpicrated adj. Mixed with a picrate.
PICRATED adj. containing picrate.
PICRATESpicrates n. Plural of picrate.
PICRATE n. a chemical salt.
PRACTICEpractice n. Repetition of an activity to improve a skill.
practice n. An organized event for the purpose of performing such repetition.
practice n. (Uncountable, especially medicine, art) The ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession, particularly in…
PRACTISEpractise v. (Transitive) To repeat (an activity) as a way of improving one’s skill in that activity.
practise v. (Intransitive) To repeat an activity in this way.
practise v. (Transitive) To perform or observe in a habitual fashion.
PRACTIVEpractive adj. (Obsolete) Doing; active.
PRACTIVE adj. (obsolete) practical; concerned with practice.
PRELATICprelatic adj. Alternative form of prelatical.
PRELATIC adj. relating to a prelate, a bishop or abbot of superior rank, also PRELATIAL, PRELATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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