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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, I, N, T and U

ANURETICanuretic adj. (Medicine) Of, pertaining to or characterised by anuresis.
anuretic adj. (Medicine) Who has anuresis; unable to urinate.
ANURETIC adj. pertaining to inability to urinate.
CUNEATICcuneatic adj. Cuneiform.
CUNEATIC adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATE, CUNEATED.
INCUBATEincubate v. (Transitive) To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue through the provision of…
incubate v. (Transitive, figurative) To incubate metaphorically; to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately as if…
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
INCUDATEincudate adj. (Zoology, anatomy) Of, pertaining to or having an incus (bone of the middle ear).
incudate adj. (Zoology, of mastaxes or trophi of rotifers) That functions by prehension; used as a classification.
INCUDATE adj. shaped like an incus or anvil, also INCUDAL.
NEUMATICneumatic adj. (Music) Written using neumes.
NEUMATIC adj. relating to a neume, a sign used in musical notation, also NEUMIC.
TUNICATEtunicate n. Any of very many chordate marine animals, of the subphyla Tunicata or Urochordata, including the sea squirts.
tunicate adj. Of or pertaining to these animals.
tunicate adj. (Anatomy, botany) Enclosed in a tunic or mantle; covered or coated with layers.
UNACTIVEunactive adj. Not active; inactive.
UNACTIVE v. to make (a person) inactive.
UNCINATEuncinate adj. (Botany) Hooked at the end.
uncinate adj. (Anatomy) Hooked in form; possessing a hook.
UNCINATE adj. bent at the end like a hook, also UNCINAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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