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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, H, I and 2T

ATHLETICathletic adj. (Not comparable) Having to do with athletes.
athletic adj. Physically active.
athletic adj. Having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape.
BATHETICbathetic adj. Characterized by or pertaining to bathos.
BATHETIC adj. characterized by triteness or sentimentalism.
CHATTIERchattier adj. Comparative form of chatty: more chatty.
CHATTY adj. talkative.
CHATTIESchatties n. Plural of chattie.
chatties n. Plural of chatty.
CHATTY n. a type of water-pot.
PATHETICpathetic adj. Arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion; exciting pathos.
pathetic adj. Arousing scorn or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy.
pathetic adj. (Obsolete) Expressing or showing anger; passionate.
TACHISTEtachiste n. An artist working in the style of tachism.
TACHISTE n. (French) an abstract painter, also TACHIST.
THEATRICtheatric adj. Relating to acting or the theater, theatrical.
THEATRIC adj. relating to or suitable for the stage, also THEATRAL, THEATRICAL.
THEMATICthematic adj. Relating to, or having a theme (“subject”) or a topic.
thematic adj. (Music) Relating to a melodic subject.
thematic adj. (Linguistics) Of a word stem, ending in a vowel that appears in or otherwise influences the noun or…
THETICALthetical adj. Laid down; absolute or positive, like a law.
THETICAL adj. positively asserting, bearing the thesis, also THETIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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