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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2E, H, R and T

AETHERICaetheric adj. Alternative spelling of etheric.
ætheric adj. Obsolete form of etheric.
AETHERIC adj. pertaining to the aether.
CATHETERcatheter n. (Medicine) A small tube inserted into a body cavity to administer a drug, create an opening, distend…
CATHETER n. a tube which can be passed into the bladder or other body cavity or canal to allow the draining of fluid.
CETERACHceterach n. A species of fern (Asplenium ceterach).
CETERACH n. a kind of fern.
CHARETTEcharette n. (US) A period of intense work, especially group work undertaken to meet a deadline.
charette n. Alternative spelling of charret.
Charette prop.n. A surname.
CHEATERScheaters n. Plural of cheater.
cheaters n. (Informal) Non-prescription spectacles that magnify.
CHEATER n. one that cheats.
CHEATERYcheatery n. (Obsolete) Cheating; fraud.
CHEATERY n. a cheating.
DETACHERdetacher n. One who or that which detaches.
DETACHER n. one who detaches.
HECTAREShectares n. Plural of hectare.
HECTARE n. a measure of area, 100 ares or 10000 square metres, also HEKTARE.
HETAERIChetaeric adj. Of or relating to a hetaera.
HETAERIC adj. like a hetaera, also HETAIRIC.
OCHREATEochreate adj. (Botany) Provided with ochrea, or sheath-formed stipules, as the rhubarb, yellow dock, and knotgrass.
OCHREATE adj. having an ochrea, a scarious sheath round a stem, also OCREATE.
RACHETEDRACHET v. to move by a rachet mechanism, also RATCHET.
RECHATESrechates n. Plural of rechate.
RECHATE n. (Shakespeare) a strain given on the horn to call back the hounds when they have lost track of the game, also RECHEAT.
RECHEATSrecheats n. Plural of recheat.
RECHEAT v. to sound a hunting call, to call back the hounds when they have lost track of the game.
TEACHERSteachers n. Plural of teacher.
TEACHER n. one that teaches.
TRACHEAEtracheae n. Plural of trachea.
tracheæ n. (Archaic) plural of trachea.
TRACHEA n. (Greek) the passage conveying air to the lungs.
TREACHERtreacher n. (Archaic) A traitor or deceiver.
Treacher prop.n. A surname.
TREACHER n. (obsolete) a traitor; a deceiver, also TREACHERER, TREACHOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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