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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, L, R, S and U

ARBUSCLEarbuscle n. (Botany) A plant midway in height between a shrub and a tree; a dwarf tree.
arbuscle n. (Mycology) A branched hypha in some fungi.
arbuscle n. (Mycology) The site at which a symbiotic fungus attaches to the roots of a plant and exchanges nutrients…
BALUSTERbaluster n. (Architecture) A short column used in a group to support a rail, as commonly found on the side of a…
BALUSTER n. a small pillar supporting a stair-rail.
BARBULESbarbules n. Plural of barbule.
BARBULE n. a small barb.
BAULKERSbaulkers n. Plural of baulker.
BAULKER n. one who baulks.
BLAGUERSBLAGUER n. one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUEUR.
DURABLESdurables n. (Economics) plural of durable; durable goods.
DURABLE n. something that will endure.
REUSABLEreusable adj. Able to be used again; especially after salvaging or special treatment or processing.
reusable adj. (Computing) (of a program) Able to be executed by several tasks without being reloaded; either reentrant…
reusable n. Any product, such as a diaper, that is not disposable but can be used more than once.
ROUSABLErousable adj. Capable of being roused.
ROUSABLE adj. capable of being roused.
RUBELLASRUBELLA n. (Latin) a virus disease, German measles.
RUBEOLASrubeolas n. Plural of rubeola.
RUBEOLA n. (Latin) a virus disease, measles.
RUSTABLErustable adj. Susceptible to rust.
RUSTABLE adj. able to rust.
SURFABLEsurfable adj. Able to be surfed.
SURFABLE adj. able to be surfed.
ZEBRULASzebrulas n. Plural of zebrula.
ZEBRULA n. the offspring of a male zebra and a female horse, also ZEBRULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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