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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, L, N, S and T

ABLUENTSabluents n. Plural of abluent.
ABLUENT n. a cleansing agent.
ABSENTLYabsently adv. In an absent-minded or abstracted manner.
ABSENT adv. not present.
BANALESTbanalest adj. Superlative form of banal: most banal.
BANAL adj. flat and uninteresting.
BLANDESTblandest adj. Superlative form of bland: most bland.
BLAND adj. neutral-tasting, insipid.
BLANKESTblankest adj. Superlative form of blank: most blank.
BLANK adj. empty.
BLANKETSblankets n. Plural of blanket.
blankets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blanket.
BLANKET v. to cover uniformly.
BRANTLESbrantles n. Plural of brantle.
BRANTLE n. (French) an old French dance, also BRANSLE, BRANLE.
INSTABLEinstable adj. Exhibiting instability; unstable.
INSTABLE adj. not stable, also UNSTABLE.
NEOBLASTneoblast n. A large, undifferentiated cell of annelid worms that participate in regeneration of lost parts.
NEOBLAST n. a cell important in regeneration of worms.
NESTABLEnestable adj. Capable of being nested (stacked or housed one inside the other).
NESTABLE adj. capable of being fitted closely together.
NETBALLSnetballs n. Plural of netball.
net␣balls n. Plural of net ball.
NETBALL n. a team game.
NOTABLESnotables n. Plural of notable.
NOTABLE n. a person of distinction.
SEMBLANTsemblant n. (Obsolete) One’s outward appearance.
semblant adj. (Obsolete) Like; resembling.
semblant adj. (Obsolete) Seeming, rather than real; apparent.
STONABLEstonable adj. (Rare) punishable by stoning.
STONABLE adj. carrying the penalty of being stoned, i.e. pelted with stones, also STONEABLE.
UNSTABLEunstable adj. Not stable.
unstable adj. Having a strong tendency to change.
unstable adj. Fluctuating; not constant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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