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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, G, I, N and R

ABEARINGabearing n. (Obsolete) Behaviour.
abearing v. Present participle of abear.
ABEAR v. to bear; to behave.
ABORIGENaborigen n. Alternative form of aborigin.
ABORIGEN n. an original or native inhabitant of a country, also ABORIGIN, ABORIGINE.
BAREGINEbaregine n. A grey, gelatinous deposit in the sulphurous waters of the Barèges spa.
BAREGINE n. (French) a gelatinous mass of bacteria and sulphur found in mineral waters.
BARREINGBARRE v. to execute barre chords.
BEARDINGbearding v. Present participle of beard.
bearding n. (Television) An undesirable video artifact whereby darker parts of a signal bleed across horizontally…
BEARD v. to oppose with effrontery.
BEARINGSbearings n. Plural of bearing.
BEARING n. demeanour, carriage.
BERAKINGBERAKE v. to rake all over.
BERATINGberating v. Present participle of berate.
berating n. A scolding.
BERATE v. to scold severely.
BERAYINGberaying v. Present participle of beray.
BERAY v. (obsolete) to befoul.
BERGENIAbergenia n. Any of the genus Bergenia of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae.
BERGENIA n. (German) any of various perennial plants of the genus Bergenia, of the saxifrage family.
BERRIGANBERRIGAN n. an Australian tree with hanging branches.
BEWARINGbewaring v. (Archaic or nonstandard) present participle of beware.
BEWARE v. to be on one's guard.
BLEARINGblearing v. Present participle of blear.
BLEAR v. to make bleary.
BREADINGbreading v. Present participle of bread.
breading n. The coating of a thin slice of meat in flour, egg and breadcrumbs prior to frying.
BREAD v. to cover with breadcrumbs.
BREAKINGbreaking v. Present participle of break.
breaking n. The act by which something is broken.
breaking n. (Linguistics) A change of a vowel to a diphthong.
BREAMINGbreaming v. Present participle of bream.
BREAM v. to clean a ship's bottom by burning off seaweed.
REBASINGrebasing v. Present participle of rebase.
REBASE v. to set a new foundation for something.
REBATINGrebating v. Present participle of rebate.
REBATE v. to give a discount for payment.
SABERINGsabering v. Present participle of saber.
SABER v. to strike with a type of sword, also SABRE.
TABERINGtabering v. Present participle of taber.
TABER v. to play on this.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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