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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, G, I, L and N

BAGELINGbageling v. Present participle of bagel.
BAGEL v. to defeat in a tennis set by six games to love.
BEAGLINGbeagling v. Present participle of beagle.
BEAGLING n. hunting with beagles.
BEALINGSBEALING n. an infected sore, also BEAL.
BELACINGbelacing v. Present participle of belace.
BELACE v. to adorn with lace.
BELATINGbelating v. Present participle of belate.
BELATE v. (archaic) to retard or make too late.
BELAYINGbelaying v. Present participle of belay.
BELAY v. to fasten a rope.
BLEARINGblearing v. Present participle of blear.
BLEAR v. to make bleary.
BLEATINGbleating v. Present participle of bleat.
bleating n. A noise that bleats.
bleating n. Inane or plaintive chatter.
BLINDAGEblindage n. (Military) A cover or protection for an advanced trench or approach, formed of fascines and earth supported…
blindage n. (Military) A deep dugout, often equipped with bunks and other fittings.
BLINDAGE n. a cover or protection for an advanced trench or approach, formed of fascines and earth supported by a framework.
EMBALINGembaling v. Present participle of embale.
EMBALE v. to form into a bale.
ENABLINGenabling v. Present participle of enable.
enabling n. An act or an instance of something being enabled.
ENABLE v. to make possible.
GAINABLEgainable adj. Capable of being gained (in any sense), obtained, or reached.
GAINABLE adj. able to be gained.
LABELINGlabeling n. A set of labels applied to the various objects in a system.
labeling n. (Biochemistry) The introduction of a traceable chemical group (e.g., containing an isotope or a fluorescent…
labeling v. Present participle of label.
SIGNABLEsignable adj. That can be signed (represented in sign language).
signable adj. Ready to have a signature affixed to it, as with a contract.
signable adj. Available for the posting of signs.
SINGABLEsingable adj. Capable of being sung.
SINGABLE adj. able to be sung.
TANGIBLEtangible adj. Touchable; able to be touched or felt; perceptible by the sense of touch.
tangible adj. Perceptible; able to be perceived.
tangible adj. Able to be treated as fact; real or concrete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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