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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2E, I, L and R

ABSEILERabseiler n. Someone who abseils.
ABSEILER n. one that abseils.
AFEBRILEafebrile adj. Having no fever, without a fever.
AFEBRILE adj. having no fever.
BALEFIREbalefire n. An outdoor fire used in witches’ rituals.
BALEFIRE n. a bonfire or beacon-fire.
BEARLIKEbearlike adj. Having physical or temperamental characteristics like those of a bear.
bearlike adj. Like that of a bear.
BEARLIKE adj. like a bear.
BEWAILERbewailer n. One who bewails or laments.
BEWAILER n. one who bewails or laments.
BLEARIERblearier adj. Comparative form of bleary: more bleary.
BLEARY adj. dim.
FIREABLEfireable adj. Alternative form of firable.
FIREABLE adj. able to be fired.
HIREABLEhireable adj. Alternative spelling of hirable.
HIREABLE adj. available for hire, also HIRABLE.
LIBERATEliberate v. (Transitive) To set free, to make or allow to be free, particularly.
liberate v. (Transitive, military, euphemistic) To acquire from an enemy during wartime, used especially of cities…
liberate v. (Transitive, euphemistic) To acquire from another by theft or force: to steal, to rob.
RELIABLEreliable adj. Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependence, reliance or trust; dependable, trustworthy.
reliable adj. (Signal processing, of a communication protocol) Such that either a sent packet will reach its destination…
reliable n. Something or someone reliable or dependable.
RIDEABLErideable adj. (Of a bicycle, horse, or the like) Fit to be ridden.
rideable adj. (Of a path, road, or the like) Fit to be traveled on bicycle, horseback, etc.
rideable n. Any small vehicle, such as an electric scooter, designed to be used by a single person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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