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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2E, I, L and N

BANLIEUEbanlieue n. The outskirts of a city, especially in France, inhabited chiefly by poor people living in tenement-style housing.
BANLIEUE n. (French) a suburb.
BASELINEbaseline n. A line that is a base for measurement or for construction.
baseline n. A datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison.
baseline n. (Typography) A line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs.
BEANLIKEbeanlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bean.
BEANLIKE adj. like a bean.
BIENNALEbiennale n. A biennial celebration or exhibition.
BIENNALE n. (Italian) an international arts festival held in Venice every two years.
DENIABLEdeniable adj. Able to be denied or contradicted.
DENIABLE adj. capable of being denied.
ENVIABLEenviable adj. Arousing or likely to arouse envy.
ENVIABLE adj. causing envy.
FINEABLEfineable adj. For which a fine can be levied.
FINEABLE adj. subject to the payment of a fine, also FINABLE.
LIENABLElienable adj. Subject to a lien, or legal claim.
LIENABLE adj. capable of being subjected to a lien.
LINEABLElineable adj. Able to be lined.
LINEABLE adj. that can be lined, also LINABLE.
MINEABLEmineable adj. Alternative spelling of minable.
MINEABLE adj. able to be mined, also MINABLE.
PLEBEIANplebeian n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A member of the plebs, the common citizens of ancient Rome.
plebeian n. A commoner, particularly (derogatory) a low, vulgar person.
plebeian adj. (Historical) Of or concerning the plebs, the common citizens of ancient Rome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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