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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E, I, L and R

ALBICOREalbicore n. Alternative form of albacore.
ALBICORE n. (Arabic) a large tuna fish, also ALBACORE.
BARBICELbarbicel n. Any of the hooks on the barbules of a feather that interlock adjacent barbs.
BARBICEL n. one of the small hooklike processes on the barbules of feathers.
BRACIOLEbraciole n. Plural of braciola.
braciole n. Synonym of braciola.
BRACIOLE n. (Italian) a thin slice of meat, also BRACIOLA.
BRECCIALbreccial adj. Of or relating to breccia.
BRECCIAL adj. of or like breccia, a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
CABRIOLEcabriole n. A type of furniture leg used in certain ornate styles of furniture such as Queen Anne, having a double…
CABRIOLE n. (French) a curved furniture leg ending in a ball.
CALIBERScalibers n. Plural of caliber.
CALIBER n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBRE.
CALIBREDcalibred adj. Alternative form of calibered.
CALIBRED adj. having a given calibre, also CALIBERED.
CALIBREScalibres n. Plural of calibre.
CALIBRE n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBER.
CRABLIKEcrablike adj. Having some characteristics of a crab.
crablike adj. Walking or moving sideways.
CRABLIKE adj. like a crab.
CRIBELLAcribella n. Plural of cribellum.
CRIBELLUM n. (Latin) a spinning organ of spiders.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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