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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, L, N, P and T

PALATINEpalatine adj. (Historical) (of an official or feudal lord) Having local authority and possessing royal privileges…
palatine adj. Pertaining to the Elector Palatine or the German Palatinate or its people.
palatine adj. Of or relating to a palace especially of a Roman or Holy Roman Emperor.
PALATINGpalating v. Present participle of palate.
PALATE v. (Shakespeare) to relish.
PLAINANTplainant n. (Law, obsolete) One who makes complaint; the plaintiff.
PLAINANT n. one who makes complaint; a plaintiff.
PLANTAINplantain n. A plant of the genus Plantago, with a rosette of sessile leaves about 10 cm (4") long with a narrow…
plantain n. A plant in the genus Musa, the genus that includes banana, but with lower sugar content than banana.
plantain n. The fruit of the plant, usually cooked before eating and used like potatoes.
PLATINASPLATINA n. (Spanish) platinum.
TALAPOINtalapoin n. A monkey from one of two species of Old World monkeys, of the genus Miopithecus, distinguished by a…
talapoin n. (Archaic, Buddhism) A Buddhist monk or priest.
TALAPOIN n. (Portuguese) a small green West African guenon monkey; a title of respect for a Buddhist monk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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