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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, I, N, S and T

ACTINIASactinias n. Plural of actinia.
ACTINIA n. (Greek) a sea-anemone, also ACTINIAN.
ALICANTSalicants n. Plural of alicant.
ALICANT n. (Spanish) a wine made near Alicante in Spain.
ANTACIDSantacids n. Plural of antacid.
ANTACID n. a remedy for indigestion.
ARCANISTarcanist n. (Historical) A craftsman who has knowledge of a manufacturing secret (specifically in the area of porcelain…
arcanist n. A person who studies arcana or religious mysteries.
ARCANIST n. a person knowing secrets of manufacture.
CANTINAScantinas n. Plural of cantina.
CANTINA n. (Spanish) a bar or saloon; a wineshop.
CAPITANScapitans n. Plural of capitan.
CAPITAN n. (historical) the chief admiral of the Turkish fleet.
CAPTAINScaptains n. Plural of captain.
captains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of captain.
CAPTAIN v. to lead or command.
ESTANCIAestancia n. A large rural estate in Latin America; a kind of ranch.
Estancia prop.n. A town, the county seat of Torrance County, New Mexico, United States.
Estancia prop.n. A municipality of Iloilo, Philippines.
FANATICSfanatics n. Plural of fanatic.
FANATIC n. a zealot.
KATCINASkatcinas n. Plural of katcina.
KATCINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCHINA, KATSINA.
SANTALICsantalic adj. Of, or relating to sandalwood.
SANTALIC adj. pertaining to sandalwood.
STANZAICstanzaic adj. Of or pertaining to stanzas.
STANZAIC adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, stanzas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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