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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, I, M, R and S

ARCHAISMarchaism n. The adoption or imitation of archaic words or style.
archaism n. An archaic word, style, etc.
ARCHAISM n. an expression or idiom.
CARIAMAScariamas n. Plural of cariama.
CARIAMA n. (Tupi) a large South American bird related to the cranes, also SERIEMA.
CHARISMAcharisma n. Personal charm or magnetism.
charisma n. (Christianity) An extraordinary power granted by the Holy Spirit.
charisma n. The ability to influence without the use of logic.
MACARISEmacarise v. Alternative form of macarize.
MACARISE v. to declare to be blessed, also MACARIZE.
MACARISMmacarism n. Happiness as a result of praise.
macarism n. Beatitude.
MACARISM n. a beatitude.
MACHAIRSmachairs n. Plural of machair.
MACHAIR n. (Gaelic) a low-lying sandy beach, esp. in the Hebrides.
MACRAMISMACRAMI n. (Turkish) a fringe or trimming of knotted thread, also MACRAME.
MAILCARSmail␣cars n. Plural of mail car.
MAILCAR n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCOACH.
MARASMICmarasmic adj. Relating to, or suffering from marasmus.
marasmic n. A person suffering from a marasmus.
MARASMIC adj. wasting away.
MESARAICmesaraic adj. (Anatomy) mesenteric.
MESARAIC adj. relating to the mesentery, also MESENTERIAL, MESENTERIC.
PICAMARSPICAMAR n. (Latin) a liquid obtained from tar.
SAMSARICsamsaric adj. Of or pertaining to samsara.
SAMSARIC adj. of or relating to samsara, the Buddhist cycle of death and rebirth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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