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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, H, I, M and R

ARCHAISMarchaism n. The adoption or imitation of archaic words or style.
archaism n. An archaic word, style, etc.
ARCHAISM n. an expression or idiom.
ARMCHAIRarmchair n. A chair with supports for the arms or elbows.
armchair adj. (Figuratively) Remote from actual involvement, including a person retired from previously active involvement.
armchair adj. (Figuratively) Unqualified or uninformed but yet giving advice, especially on technical issues, such…
CHADARIMchadarim n. Plural of cheder.
CHEDER n. (Hebrew) a religious lesson, or the place where it is held, also HEDER.
CHAIRMANchairman n. A person presiding over a meeting.
chairman n. The head of a corporate or governmental board of directors, a committee, or other formal entity.
chairman n. (Historical) Someone whose job is to carry people in a portable chair, sedan chair, or similar conveyance.
CHARISMAcharisma n. Personal charm or magnetism.
charisma n. (Christianity) An extraordinary power granted by the Holy Spirit.
charisma n. The ability to influence without the use of logic.
CHIMAERAchimaera n. Alternative spelling of chimera.
chimaera n. A cartilaginous marine fish in the subclass Holocephali and especially the order Chimaeriformes, with…
Chimaera prop.n. (Dated) Alternative form of Chimera.
DRACHMAIdrachmai n. Plural of drachma.
DRACHMA n. (Greek) a Greek monetary unit, also DRACHM.
MACHAIRSmachairs n. Plural of machair.
MACHAIR n. (Gaelic) a low-lying sandy beach, esp. in the Hebrides.
MARIACHImariachi adj. Of or pertaining to a traditional form of Mexican music, either sung or purely instrumental.
mariachi adj. Of or pertaining to a band playing such music, or to the singers of such songs.
mariachi n. A traditional form of Mexican music, either sung or purely instrumental.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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